[Podcast] You Are Never Going to Feel Like it

The most liberating phrase for an entrepreneur is:

“FACT: you are never going to feel like it.”

Tune into this weeks episode to find out why and how it can help you and your business grow in ways you never imagined!

Show Notes

“Fact: You are never going to feel like it”

This is a powerful, empowering phrase. It really sets you free.

Tune into this week’s episode to find out why and how it can help you and your business grow in ways you never imagined!

The 5 Second Rule

Being an entrepreneur is hard and sometimes, no matter what you are doing, you just don’t feel like it.

Mel Robbins has this amazing book: The 5 Second Rule.

You count down from five every time you feel resistance to something in your life, no matter what that something is. The act of counting down changes your brain chemistry and makes you feel like you have to act. Repeating this action often enough, like all things, will make it a habit, and so much of what we do in business is habit.

Check out this TED Talk, “How to Stop Screwing Yourself Over,” for a more detailed look at the five second rule.

Somebody along the way coined the phrase “do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.”

I think that’s crap. When you are an entrepreneur, you are working, sometimes more than you want, sometimes less, and most times when you may not feel like it!

There’s nothing I love more than problem solving, but some days I just don’t feel like it. It can be a drag to get down in the trenches and do the work. But that’s the thing, to get to where you want to be you have to do the work and put in the time.

Getting started is always the hardest part. This is why I think the five second rule is so amazing, because it tricks your brain into getting the work done. Once you get started, momentum takes over and you can really barrel through the things that need to get done.

To Recap

It’s okay not to feel like it, in fact it’s completely normal! Remember to take things one day at a time and build that momentum. Don’t hesitate. You can always launch your new idea, product, or service, and readjust after the fact. But, if you spend all your time planning and readjusting you’ll never get going to begin with.

Remember: Keep it simple, so you can grow!

Books Mentioned

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She’ll put on her COO hat and help you problem solve about anything having to do with business operations, teams, profitability, leadership, or scaling your business.

You can join via Zoom here.


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My clients have lovingly nicknamed me “The Biz Doctor” 

My superpower is helping 7-figure service-based entrepreneurs uncover what is keeping them stuck in the trenches of their business, so that they can have more freedom, impact, success, happier teams, and can breathe a much needed sigh of relief!

I’ve been featured in Thrive Global, Huff Post, Authority Magazine and am a trusted expert to fortune 500 companies like Apple, Nike, and AT&T, among others.

I’m so glad to have you here. If you would like to know more or explore how to get out from under your business, let’s connect.

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