I see this frequently, you start a business, build your FB page and then you invite your entire friends list to like it. It seems easy and you get a boost of likes for your page, but let’s step it out and show you why this is deadly for your business longterm.
Before I dive into why this could be business suicide, let’s first get clear on what a FB page is.
Your Facebook business page is a place for you to connect with your customer, your clients, your tribe, your target market. It is a type of cocktail party where you guys get to know one another and then make the decision to embark on a business journey together. Now don’t get me wrong, friends at a cocktail party are amazing, they break the ice, introduce you to that person you want to meet, but ultimately they are not who you want to connect your business with long term, right? Right!
On the very rare occasion, your services are a perfect fit for someone in your friend group but I would venture to say unless you are in Direct Sales, that number is <1% so this leads me to my initial point. Why would you invite people to your business page who, chances are, have no need for your services, not interested in your expertise, and probably not going to refer you lots of business from their network? Now do you see it? The answer is stop doing it!
Now if you already did this, don’t beat yourself up, I made the same mistake when I built my page many years ago, so you are most definitely not alone. So now that we have found the problem, how do we fix it?
Well, if you have a small following, you could do is purge your page of your friends, your numbers will go down, but your audience insights and metrics will become much more accurate when you do fun things like, retarget!
If you have a larger following, I recommend, you let them be but be much more deliberate with your page growth moving forward.