[Podcast] Time to Pivot?

Has your business hit a plateau? Maybe it has become stagnant? Or maybe you just aren’t feeling as jazzed about what you do? It may be time to take some inventory and prepare for a minor pivot or course correction.  Listen in to our latest podcast to help your business not only stay on track, but grow!

Show Notes

One of the most important lessons an entrepreneur can learn is how to pivot.

There comes a time when you plateau, get burned out, or the joy leaves your business. This is the time to pause, take a step back, and really think about your larger strategy.

If your business isn’t growing one of two things is probably happening:

  • You have a bottleneck – financial, productivity, or personnel
  • Your business isn’t giving you the joy that it once did

It’s hard to grow, push through and be behind your business 100% when you are wobbling in your commitment to your business.

Pivots are not bad!

Like a plane on autopilot, you are just adjusting your course, making little tweaks along the way to make sure you end up where you want to be.

What you do today impacts your business tomorrow:

  • Tasks that impact your business positively will grow your business.
  • Tasks that impact your business negatively will cause your business to stagnate.

The tiny tasks that you keep putting off may be having a huge impact on your bottom line and the growth of your business.

“Daily ripples of excellence over time become a tsunami of success.”

Robin S. Sharma

Pivots are essential to a healthy business!

It’s very easy to add stuff to your routine when you feel that things aren’t working, but more often than not, the reason things aren’t working is because there’s too much going on. One of the first things I suggest is stepping back and taking a moment to see if what you offer serves both your clients and your business. Cutting out a product that isn’t moving or a product/service that isn’t bringing you joy can make a huge difference to the growth of your business.

Recently, I have been struggling with web design. I love the end result of building a website for someone. I love taking their vision and seeing it through. However, I do not enjoy the process of building a website. So, after much reflection, I decided to stop offering the service.

Having a vast product suite isn’t bad, but you may see more success if you cull the herd a bit and hone in on helping people exactly where they are. You should be able to articulate the value of your product/service to your clients AND to your business.

Remember: Keep it simple, so you can grow!

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My clients have lovingly nicknamed me “The Biz Doctor” 

My superpower is helping 7-figure service-based entrepreneurs uncover what is keeping them stuck in the trenches of their business, so that they can have more freedom, impact, success, happier teams, and can breathe a much needed sigh of relief!

I’ve been featured in Thrive Global, Huff Post, Authority Magazine and am a trusted expert to fortune 500 companies like Apple, Nike, and AT&T, among others.

I’m so glad to have you here. If you would like to know more or explore how to get out from under your business, let’s connect.

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