Not seeing the success or results you want? Your strategy (or lack of) may be to blame! Listen in to our latest podcast to learn more about how to build a solid strategy!
Show Notes
Strategy is Key
Recently, I had a consultation that didn’t go the way I expected. A client reached out to see if we create landing pages, which, of course we do but when I asked the client what she wanted her pages to do, she couldn’t really provide an answer. This is indicative of a larger trend that I have noticed recently: throwing things at the wall and seeing what sticks.
That process is really not the most efficient way to run a business. You need to have a strategy.
Landing pages are designed to get your clients to perform an action: sign-up for a consultation, purchase a product, etc. If you are building landing pages willy-nilly, chances are they are not going to convert or you won’t get quality conversions
Is it clear on your page what they did to do and how they can do it? If not, the customer is going to leave and go somewhere else. Highlight the value and benefit of taking the desired action. Make sure it’s easy for your customers to say yes to you because they can clearly see the benefit to doing so.
Avoid Adding Extra Steps
A lot of people use PayPal because it’s easy to implement, but not so fast! Paypal adds two or three extra screens for your customers to click through before completing their action, reducing the number of people who will take that action and actually complete the purchase of what you are selling.
Audit Your Website
Every once in a while I audit my pages from the perspective of my clients. I make sure that everything is clear, well-written, and easy to access. If at any point I don’t think it is one of those three, then I go through and tweak things. If your website is not converting, chances are your strategy is off because you are leaving them, rather than leading them where you want them to go.
To Recap
A coherent website strategy is fundamental. Make sure you know what every page on your website is supposed to do – again, where do you want them to go and do? Audit your site frequently to determine whether or not each page is functioning in the way you want it to.
Put as few steps between your customer and the desired action as possible. Remember: Lead them exactly where you want them to go, don’t leave them trying to figure out what their next step is!
As always: Keep it simple, so you can grow.