Kajabi Made Simple

There is a giant leap necessary to go from mediocre to good, and an equally big follow up leap to go from good to great. Yet the space between great and extraordinary is tiny – only about 2mm. That 2mm space to extraordinary is where the magic of what we do for Kajabi businesses happens.

If you have a profitable core business and have successfully launched your Kajabi product to create a secondary revenue stream for your business, but you are looking to take your next launch to a higher level, you are in the right place.

Together we can help you make those 2mm tweaks and pull the right levers that can be the difference between a potential $10,000 profit and a $100,000 profit.

How can we help you leverage Kajabi better for your business?

Kajabi Strategy Breakthrough

Launching something online is easy.  Creating the right foundation to ensure the longevity of your online offerings is something else entirely.  If you don’t have a strategy and a solid foundation you run the very real risk that sooner rather than later, your online business will eat you alive.

I have seen it time and time again.  You launch an online product to leverage your time better, and while the product works and your launch was successful, the long term execution was half baked leading to burnout, resentment, and a whole lot of spinning your wheels. 

This may sound familiar, and if it does, all is not lost. 

It doesn’t have to be like this.  That is why we created our Kajabi Strategy Breakthrough service 3+ years ago. 

With KSB we help you map out all the moving parts so you can effectively put systems in place that will help you free up time,  get crystal clear how and when to scale – plus we help you continue to improve the profitability and ease of each subsequent launch!  Now I call that a win – win!

If you are ready to leverage Kajabi on a whole other level and build something to last, then let’s talk. 

Kajabi Review & Relaunch

Launches are some of my favorite petri dishes! There is so much that can be learned and improved from launch to launch which is why we created this service. 

It is the perfect service if you have done a successful launch (or two) but you have that nagging feeling that it’s just not quite right – yet.

You know that it needs some tweaks, but you are too close to it to objectively triage what needs to be adjusted. 

That is where we come in.  We are able to take a 30,000 foot view of your launch(es) and see what disconnects, weaknesses, and threats are present.  Then we can dive into the minutia to show you exactly where and how to sure up those leaks and disconnects so that each launch moving forward is more simple and successful.

Get in touch to see how we can work together with you to take your Kajabi instance to the next level.

p.s. if you are in need of a Kajabi lifeline to just help with a few things here or there, our Kajabi “VA” services might be just the ticket.  You can get in touch here.