Have you ever had life going along great and then all of a sudden a 2×4 of failure or imposture hit you between the eyes, knocking you off kilter?
Don’t worry, we’ve all been there (and honestly if you don’t feel like you’re failing at some point, I would question if you are really growing as a person or entrepreneur!)
But for the sake of this post, let’s just say that your business is struggling or going through some growing pains, and you’re suddenly convinced that you don’t have what it takes to see things through. You’re not sure where the light at the end of the tunnel is or which direction to start walking.
When this happens, it’s an excellent time to take a step back and get some perspective. At times when I, yes even I have felt this way through the years, felt this way it was generally because I was too close, too attached to my idea or plan. See that is the funny thing about life and flow… the harder you fight it and project your will on it, the harder it become to get where you want to go.
Think of it this way. You business is a raft, and the entrepreneur journey is like rafting on a river that has whitewater rapids at some points. If you know how to steer your boat, those can be the most exhilarating of times, but if you don’t soon enough you will find yourself outside the boat and struggling to get to safely. Anyone who has done white water rafting before knows that the moment you hit that water you have 2 options, get back in the boat if you can and if you can’t point your feet down river and go with the flow until you can get out. This is exactly the analogy I like to use with failure. If you are feeling like a failure or an imposture it is a signal that you have fallen out of the boat and you are not going with the flow. So you floatation device comes in the form of perspective.
Ask yourself if you feel like a failure because it’s true and you’ve built a business that isn’t making money or ever going to succeed, or if you are falling victim to my favorite mind gremlin Imposter Syndrome and you just need to get back in the boat and go with the flow...
Even if the failure feels real, and you have built a business that isn’t turning a large profit, or probably more accurately not as successful as you had *hoped*, I truly believe there is no such thing as absolute failure. If you don’t believe me, go read the post called “My $65,000 Lesson.”
If you are feeling this way it could be for a few reasons.
First, you might be doing work other people should be doing, a.k.a you have a hard time letting go and delegating. Or, more likely, you are doing work that is not aligned with your unique gifts and is bringing out your weakness gremlins in full force.
You see, when we were in school we were always told to what? “Work on your weaknesses.” Right? Right! But here’s the sneaky thing about that. It’s bullsh*t.
If you are constantly working on your weaknesses, your strengths will shrivel to nothing while your weaknesses will grow to be something out of a horror movie, lurking behind every corner to keep you stuck in the fear of “being found out” or “failing.” Dang! That is no way to live your life! SO STOP IT! (also, if you don’t believe me that you just need to stop it, watch this)
Here is my challenge to you. Stop giving light to your weaknesses and start loving and doubling down on your strengths! Then after you have made peace with both of those, start to build a team around you whose strengths are your “weaknesses.” When you do this magic literally happens.
Your team is happier, more productive, and actually gives it their best effort. The same is true for you. When you are in flow with your genius and your strengths, everything gets easier, more fun, and you start making more revenue!
Now if you are thinking to yourself, “Yeah, yeah Lauren. That sounds all well and good, but how do I figure that out?” I have some good news and fab tools to share with you.
First, it is easier than you think. My first piece of advice is to take inventory of the work you are doing. Take a moment to ask yourself if you enjoy what you are doing, and I mean really enjoy it not just “well it pays the bills” enjoyment… do you feel like you are good at the things you do? Are you making a difference in your clients’ lives? Do you feel inspired when you are working on your work?
Again, if you are feeling like an imposter, chances are you are trying to emulate the success of others rather than taking advantage of your unique gifts. Success looks different for everyone, and we each achieve it in our own way, so what is your way? What is your unique path?
If you are really curious, I HIGHLY recommend the following assessments to help you figure out your unique genius as well as your Wealth Dynamics profile (how you are best equipped to earn money).
Remember, it’s never too late to change course or course correct. You don’t have to throw the entire thing out and start over, (unless you are craving a radical change!) you just have to adjust and keep moving forward!
Comment below what kind of Genius your are and what your wealth dynamics profile is below!
If you are curious I am a Dynamo Mechanic 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻