Offload the hard parts and heavy lifting of hiring!

(yes, we really mean done-for-you hiring)

Welcome to Golden Teams

Feeling so-so about your hiring skills and wondering how you’re going to successfully fill the team gap you have? Then this is what you have been searching for!

I was in a place with my business where I had made a wrong hire and I didn’t have the time to get it wrong again.  

My confidence in leading my team and hiring who I needed was at an all time low.  I loved that her diagnostic deep dive was a concise way to get the exact help I needed – clarity on who I needed on my team to reach our business goals and how to not only find them but set them up for success.  

I now feel confident because she gave me a roadmap and bought me a lot of months of direction and clarity, the overall feeling of “I know what I am doing and can do it!” Lauren put me back in the game and showed me what to do in a way that made it so simple and easy to take action to move forward.

-Jessica Fearnley | Founder & CEO | London

Tell me if this rings any bells…

  • When you think of hiring you are filled with dread and overwhelm
  • You feel like you are not actually “good” at hiring
  • You feel uncertain about your ability to successfully hire who you really need on your team
  • Even though you have a team, so much still falls on you and you know deep down this is because you are missing a key person on your team – you just can’t seem to put your finger on how to find them. 
  • You’ve made some good hires and some bad hires but can’t seem to make it consistent so you feel so-so, or even like you are bad at hiring.  
  • This keeps going round and round in your mind: “How am I successfully going to fill the team gap we have with the right person?”

Bottom line:

  • Your tired of being on the hire/fire merry-go-round
  • Perhaps you’re on the verge of burnout (or wanting to light a match to your business) because you are missing a few key people
  • The thought of going through the hiring process leaves you mostly filled with dread 
  • You want someone to take this hiring roller coaster off your plate and help you hire the right person for your business
This is exactly what we do. Welcome to Golden Teams!

A quarter day intensive (about 2 hours) where we map out a six month hiring plan so that you are prepared to staff your future growth + 6 months of ongoing support to give you absolute clarity on the role you need and also support, equip, and teach your team how to be an expert at hiring!  Guaranteed. 

Imagine what your business (and life) is going to feel and be like when you:

  • FINALLY have someone you trust taking the reins to help you fill this critical gap in your team! 
  • Feeling confident about how to hire the right way to hit the bullseye every time with your new hires 
  • Have clarity on who is your team is a fit and who isn’t to support and grow your business vision
  • Have an autonomous and proactive team that moves the business forward even when you aren’t there
  • Can stop playing whack-a-mole with your business day to day and start making more progress – and have what we call TRUE ENTREPRENEURIAL FREEDOM!
We’ll guess what my friend, you’re in the right spot to make that beautiful picture above a reality. 

—>It all starts here.
We’ll do all the heavy lifting of hiring.  And bonus! We train your team to help you make hiring simple and effective to save you time, money, increase success with new team members, and decrease the likelihood of a bad hire in the future! Win-win-win.

Golden Teams

Where business owners come to offload the hard parts and heavy lifting of hiring and successfully fill the team gaps they have.


Before we partnered with Lauren, we were having trouble finding competent staff. The biggest frustration we had was feeling like we were at a dead end or worse a never ending carousel of employee turnover.

It was during the diagnostic phase that it really hit me how valuable and different her consulting is. She actually helped us save $150,000 in top line team expenses!

Working Lauren and her team was a wonderful and worthwhile experience that I would recommend to any business leader looking to improve not only their business and teams, but also themselves as leaders.

-Brian Mitchell | Partner at Mitchell & Pahl Wealth Management | OKC, Oklahoma

A Birds Eye View of the Golden Teams

I am sure you might be asking yourself, wait, does this mean Lauren is a recruiter or head hunter? 

The answer is no.  Recruiters and head hunters are very helpful, but we go many steps past where they stop to ensure success for our clients and their teams. 

We’ve seen a lot of recruiters and head hunters do an unintentional disservice to business owners because they are really just order takers – and I hate to break it to you but most business owners don’t have the clarity they need to know exactly who they need.  This is a recipe for a disaster, not to mention a LOT of wasted time and money for everyone. 

Thats’s why we created Golden Teams.  We work with you to get to the root of the hire.  Making sure that who you think you need, and their role, is really who you and the business needs.   There is far too many “unicorn” posts flying around, and we know better. 

The more clear you can be, the more success you will have and ultimate that means you will end up with the best team for you that is autonomous, self sufficient, and high performing!

Our Golden Teams starts with a quarter day intensive, inside a 6 month support container for busy business owners who want someone to come in, who really understands their business and their team needs to do all the heavy lifting of hiring.

Together we are going to look at your team holistically to figure out what is going on and see how we can get it running like a well oiled machine and move you from business operator to owner. 

Lauren is your advisor, your right hand – a neutral third party here to help you figure this out and get to the real root causes of what is keep you stuck in the trenches and feeling like it is all on you, even if you have a team.

At the end of our time together you are going to have absolute clarity on who you have, their strengths/weaknesses, and who you need to get you where you want to go.

We’ll give you tools to balance making these changes with your busy schedule and create a business you love again – and one that can scale without you at the helm 24/7.


How Golden Teams works:

First 30 days:

Part 1:

It starts with a mini diagnostic/planning session to get crystal clear on the role you are currently hiring for.  This piece is critical to increase success rate and speed up hiring process.

    1. It typically runs about 2 hours and during that time we explore/knock out:
      Culture and team they are fitting into so they add to the culture
    2. Scorecard (this will give you 100% clarity on who you are looking for and what they are held accountable to so we don’t accidentally try to cross bred two separate roles)
    3. Job Description & job post to attract the right people and repel the wrong people

Part 2:

Next we do the heavy lifting of done-for-you hiring.

We will manage the whole process (posting, filtering, first interviews, assessments, reference checks, background checks, etc) to get you 2-5 top candidates for your role for you to interview.

Our goal is to have someone hired with a start date within the first 30 days.  This of course is dependent on the applicant pool and when they can start but that is our goal.

Part 3

Candidate debrief and decision.

Having done this for over 12 years we know sometimes the hardest thing you’ll do is try to decide between two top candidates. Fear not. We got you!

We will do a full debrief with you to help you decide and back up each of the top 3 candidates with a talent dynamics test to give us objective data for the decision, but also more importantly, make doubly sure they are a good fit for the whole team. 

6 months post 30 days:

The next 6 months are designed to set you and your new team member up for maximum success  maintain momentum and includes:

  • Ongoing support to review scorecards for new hires (these should be done proactively before you ever post the listing)
  • Reviewing job descriptions as needed
  • Working with and training the team on out “Hiring Made Simple” framework so they can more effectively hire and attract the right team members.
  • We will also give you up to 3 tokens per month as you hire other roles to clearly see how they fit and objectively decide between top candidates.
BONUS:  By training your team on how to make hiring simple and effective, it will pay dividends to save everyone time, you money, increase success with new team members, and decrease the likelihood of a bad hire in the future. We call that a win-win-win!
Bottom line: We are going to find you the perfect fit for the gap in your team, guaranteed.

Is your business a fit for the Golden Teams?  Let’s see!

One of the things we love most about Golden Teams is that it is best suited for service based businesses at all stages.  Whether you are making your first few key hires, or looking to do more strategic leadership roles for a growing team, Golden Teams will be a game changer for your business. 

We’ll help you not only clearly see any team gaps keeping you stuck in the weeds, but do the heavy lifting of getting you the right addition to your team so you are all working together more profitably and successfully! 

No more wasting time, money, and frustration on bad hires or the hiring gauntlet.  Let us take it from her!

Don’t have a team yet? Not to worry, we got you! Our CEO Strategy Session is the perfect thing to make sure your first hire is your best hire by getting clarity on who you need and the role they will fill so you are not wasting your precious time or money with mis-hires

Why Golden Teams instead of a recruiter or head hunter? I'm glad you asked!
Here's why:

Standard Recruiter/Head Hunter

  • Reactive rather than proactive hiring: Taking the bare bones of a role and posting it online hoping the right candidate sees it without digging in to confirm this is the right role for now
  • One to many: Typically works for a recruitment agency, juggling multiple clients at once
  • Resume only: Rarely use third party assessments to dig deeper and objectively see if candidate really is the right fit
  • Steep investment: Percentage of first year salary regardless of if they stick past 90 days.
Container: Most often 30 days or until probationary period ends

The Golden Key difference is clear.

The Golden Teams Difference

  • We see the hiring from an owner’s perspective.  Lauren has been fractional COO to dozens of companies over the years, as well as being a business owner herself so she has a unique view and perspective on how to build the best team for you that also serves the long term sustainability and scalability of the business.  
  • Holistic team approach.  We don’t take things at face value.  We make sure you have absolute clarity on how this role fits in the organization, what problem it solves, its accountabilities, and more so that we know without a doubt that this is the role you need, saving you countless hours of time not to mention money. 
  • You work directly with Lauren and her team.  We only take on a max of 3 golden teams clients a quarter so you are our top priority.
  • Flat, transparent fee that is a fraction of the price of agencies: We know that cash flow & profitability is king in small business and we want to help protect that AND get you the right person for your team.
  • Candidate assessments: Clearly see their strengths, how they will fit in the team, and objectively decide between top candidates
  • Team report: so that you can clearly see who is on your team, their strengths/weaknesses, and the overall gaps that are preventing sustainable scaling and getting you out of the trenches
  • Golden Key Vault: vast team, ops, and leadership resources we have created for clients over the past 12+ years (scorecards, job postings, diagnostic tools, you name it, it’s probably here) 
  • Hiring Made Simple: Access for you and your team to our proven framework and masterclass guaranteed to cut your hiring time in half and exponentially increase your success rate for hires.
  • Scorecard session: so that we can get you clear on where you want to go and teach you how to use this critical tool for your team
  • Monthly, “if ya need it call:” so you can get further advising, ask any lingering questions, or work through stuck spots that have popped up
Container: 6 Months (your hire is done ASAP within 30 days)

We’re going to help you finally breathe a sigh of relief with your team, get out of the trenches, make a bigger impact, increase profitability - and enjoy your business again!


Lauren Goldstein is founder and CEO of the award-winning and globally-recognized business consulting firm, Golden Key Partnership.

Her clients lovingly nicknamed her “The Biz Doctor” (which also happens to be the name of her podcast) because her superpower is helping 7-figure service-based entrepreneurs uncover what is keeping them stuck in the trenches of their business. Lauren is an expert at helping business owners diagnose the real root cause of their team and operational challenges so their business can sustainably and profitably scale without burning out.

As a trusted advisor to some of the fastest growing businesses, and fortune 500 companies, for more than 12 years, Lauren’s greatest asset is helping business owners successfully transition from business operator to true business owner, from “chief everything officer” to powerful and effective CEO and leader.

Her signature Diagnostic Deep Dive framework helps CEOs reclaim their time and create more freedom so they can have more impact, success, and breathe a much needed sigh of relief.

She’s been featured in Thrive Global, Huff Post, Authority Magazine and is a trusted expert to fortune 500 companies like Apple, Nike, and AT&T, among others.

If you have questions and want to explore if this is right for you business book a consultation call above.

She gives me tools so I am empowered to do this on my own – not just theory – she gets inside my business and feels like an extension of my business, like a partner, not just a resource that will go away! 

– Monica Bloom | Founder | SF