If you’ve been wondering or asking yourself: 


We’re going to dive into you and your team to give you absolute clarity on who you have, their strengths, and who you need to get you where you want to go.
This includes:
- Team Assessment (get absolutely clarity on who you have on the team and their strengths)
- Leadership Assessment (there are 8 types of CEO profiles, let’s find out which one you are so you can scale your business more simply, easily, and effectively based on your strengths)
- An intuitive (and simple) performance management tool that will help you make your next hire your best hire AND help you get the most out of your current team – all in one place!
- Role Audit based on your CEO profile to see if we have the right butts, right seats, and if not what gaps do we need to fill to get you to the next level.
“I feel like something is off in my business or team that is preventing us from sustainable (and profitable) scaling, but I don’t know what. How do I get that clarity?”

We’re going to look at the whole body of the business and diagnose what is keeping you stuck in the trenches and also inhibiting sustainable scaling in three key areas, people, process, and profits.
This includes:
- Everything in the team assessment above and the following:
- Profit assessment: (Cash flow, revenue, margins, stepped costs, revenue cliffs, concentrated risks)
- Process assessment: (if you doubled your business tomorrow, what would break?)
- People assessment (team strengths, collaboration, critical hires needed)
- 1:1s with up to 10 of your key leaders to help us further diagnose what’s working within the business, team dynamics, leadership approach and identify any silos that are strangling the business
- R&R (Results and recommendation) session – What we’ve uncovered, what we’ve diagnosed and priorities we uncovered that will make the most impact over the next 90 days.
“How do I get off the merry-go-round of frustration playing whack-a-mole every day with my business instead of being able to proactively & strategically prioritize, plan, hire, and scale?”

This is for you if you are ready to scale your business sustainably and have true entrepreneurial freedom! You are looking for strategy, accountability, advising, and traction to start running your business, instead of the other way ‘round.
This includes:
- A seat for you AND your second in command. This allows your key operator to be supported alongside you for maximum impact and simplicity.
- Quarterly Planning (Get absolutely clear on the key priorities that will move the business forward)
- Leadership development (Helping you to become a more effective, competent and confident leader)
- Accountability (Let’s keep you out of the weeds and keep you and the business on track with your goals!)
- Strategy (Having the clarity of what to focus on and when to make the best use of you and your business’s resources and time.)

“How am I going to fill the team gap we have? I am so-so at hiring. Who can help me with the hard parts and heavy lifting to ensure a successful hire?”

This is for you if… you wish someone could do the hard part and heavy lifting of helping you strategically hire the next person you need on your team to make the biggest impact and ensure success.
This includes:
- Start to finish, done for you hiring for (1) key role
- Scorecard to proactively and clearly hire to ensure your time and revenue aren’t wasted
- An effective job description to attract the candidates you won’t and repel the ones you don’t
- Funnel of top 3-5 guaranteed candidates.
- Support to help you effectively select from your top candidates the top candidate for your business
- Teaching your team our tried and tested ‘Hiring Made Simple’ framework to enable them to successfully and efficiently hire for you moving forward
- 6 months of support for onboarding, reviewing new role job descriptions and scorecards for future hires, and upskilling your team in this critical skill.

“Is there someone who can come in and tune up my business with me? We’ve got a good thing going but I know it needs some more team and operation support to grow where I want it?”

COO Services:
This is for you if… You don’t have a second in command and want a power partner walking alongside you in the business. Your business may not be large enough to support a full-time COO but you need someone that is both tactical and strategic to help you scale more simply, sustainability, and profitably.
This includes:
- Full Business Diagnostic
- Lauren steps in to execute key projects in the business with you and oversees all critical hires to fill team and ops gaps.
Outcomes I guarantee:
- High-performing team
- Business silos are removed
- Team clarity achieved (who does what, when and how)
- You, the business owner, is either out of the trenches, enjoying the business and true entrepreneurial freedom or we have a rock solid plan to get you there as soon as possible.
- A sustainable business that is on track to scale without you which is an asset and not a liability – a true business and not a job.
The mission for this role is to be the conductor of the business, making sure all the moving parts of the business are led by the right people and working together toward the business goals to elevate the business owner out of the trenches and allowing the business to scale more simply, easily, sustainably, and profitably.


How to get on my calendar to discuss?

Can’t WAIT to learn more about your business and how we can get you out from under it!